We have been providing Alliston bat removal services for more than 25 years now. During this period there have been a lot of companies that offer Alliston bat removal services, with the vast majority been your standard wildlife removal companies. These companies do not just provide Alliston bat removal services but also other types of wildlife removal. Usually the majority of their work involves raccoons, squirrels and skunks and very little bats as bat problems in Alliston are not as common as the other type of pests.

This lack of experience along with trying to fix an Alliston bat removal problem using raccoon and squirrel proofing methods leads to a high rate of failure to bat proof the home correctly and resulting in the bats showing up in the house again. In most cases the client will have to pay again for a bat removal and this is a common theme across the province. If you take a look at our numerous bat removal reviews you will see that many of our clients had paid multiple times to other companies who in the end failed to fix the problem.

My name is Kenny Charboneau and I am a residential bat removal specialist. I would strongly recommend to all of my Alliston bat removal clients watch my videos as well as read my previous client reviews, as my company has the most reviews and experience in Ontario.

Kenny Charboneau Bats Canada

Alliston bat removal problems

It is a common occurrence to Alliston bat removal customers that even though they had a bat inside their home, now they cannot find it. Many have turned their house upside down trying to find that bat while wondering, how and where it went. What usually happens in this case is that the bat found a way back into the walls during its effort to escape.

Bats usually enter and exit homes high up, as they need to find only a tiny gap in your roof to enter. This doesn’t mean that you home is badly constructed. Unfortunately it’s the nature of construction and every given home will have entry points that bats can take advantage of them. They are quiet, nocturnal and most of their colonies are small which makes it difficult for someone to know that they have bats unless they show up inside the home or the owner by chance sees them entering/exiting the house from an entry point. Most of my Alliston bat removal customers discover the problem when one suddenly shows up inside their home and the most common area being the basement.

Most of my Alliston bat removal customers assume incorrectly that it came in a door or window, however bats actually show up inside because they live in the walls of houses and not attics. The reason for this is that the temperature varies greatly between the winter and the summer, while the internal walls have a stable temperature. After entering the bats use pipes to get into the walls and in some houses they can travel to an unfinished space like a basement or furnace room, once inside they easily move from room to room by crawling under doors.

What my Alliston bat removal customers also don’t realize is that the bats will often crawl back up into the walls they came out of as they are very sensitive to air currents and can easily find other cracks that they can use. If you look at the unfinished ceiling of a typical Alliston bat removal customer you can see the gaps beside pipes and ducts. In the case that a Alliston bat removal client’s basement is finished, then the furnace room is the culprit.

If a bat disappears from my Alliston bat removal client’s home, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it escaped and found its way out. Some of them get lost and end up dying in the walls or in the ductwork of the house.

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Alliston Bat Removal Guide:


How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Living Space: A Step-by-Step Guide for Alliston Bat Removal Customers


If you are certain there has been no contact with the bat, follow these steps to get it out of your home:

Step 1: Isolate the Bat. I always recommend that my Alliston bat removal customers close doors to other parts of the house. Put a towel under any doors to prevent the bat from crawling under and place a heavy book over any heat register, as many of my Alliston bat removal customers lose track of the bat when it dives down the register and ends up dead in the ductwork.

Step 2: Open a Door or Window. Open a door or window as close to the bat as possible. The bat is lost and wants to get out of your home where it can find food and water. I always tell my Alliston bat removal customers that the bat wants to get away from all the scary humans. It will eventually (sometimes taking up to an hour) sense the fresh air movement and fly outside.

Step 3: Turn Off Anything That Makes Noise. Loud noises often confuse bats’ echolocation systems. Turning off anything that makes noise will help the bat find its way out.

Step 4: Keep an Eye on the Bat. Many of our Alliston bat removal customers spend hours searching the house/room for the bat if it goes into hiding. When it does fly out, it will be sudden – and quiet. It may circle the room a few times before discovering the open window.

Step 5: Removing the Bat. If the bat does not seem to be exiting the room on its own or if you are feeling impatient, you can attempt to capture the bat and release it outside. When we are at work on a Alliston bat removal job, we always wear gloves and long pants when attempting to capture the bat. Here are a few methods:

Throw a Towel Over the Bat. Once the bat is under the towel, scoop it up, making sure to wrap the bat inside. Be sure not to crush it!

Use a Basket. Place an empty laundry basket or wastepaper basket over the bat. Then take a newspaper, magazine, or similar object and slide it between the wall/floor and the bat. Make sure not to pinch the bat.

Use a Small-Meshed Net. A large-meshed net may capture the bat as well, but it may injure it as the bat will likely become entangled in the net and require a more hands-on approach.

Attention to All My Alliston Bat Removal Clients: Please do not swing at the bat with a tennis racket or a baseball bat.

Step 6: Handle with Care. During the removal you will hear a clicking noise, which means that the bat is scared and may attempt to bite. Once you have the bat inside the towel or container, bring it outside, some distance from the house. Make sure that any doors or windows are now closed. Remove the towel or newspaper and turn the container on its side. The bat should be able to get out and fly away. It is not easy for the bat to take off from the ground, so if possible, push the container or towel close to a tree.


Finally, I ask all my Alliston bat removal clients, please do not harm or kill the bat. The bat just got lost and will not go after you. However, we will need to bat-proof your home and exclude any other bats to prevent this from happening again.

Alliston Bat Removal  Area Reviews

Tracey Lee 10/10

Alliston Bat Removal

Finally Bat Free After 20 Years!

I have had problems with bats getting in the house from our attic for over 20 years, since Bats Canada sealed the house I haven’t seen a single one! They worked all day, were on the roof sealing every possible entry, installed 2 bat doors, sealed every possible space around windows, spaces in brick, he even fixed gaps in the eavestrough and so much more. I highly recommend this company, they are worth every penny.


K & J 10/10

Alliston Bat Removal

We had a bat flying in our family room this past January. We had heard sounds in the wall but thought it was a mouse. We killed the bat and had it tested for rabies. To the surprise of everyone involved, the bat was rabid. As you can imagine, this was very upsetting. Since it was winter, we really couldn’t do anything about this problem until the spring when it was warm enough for the bats to come out of hibernation and start feeding. To protect us against the possibility of another bat, we covered all hot and cold registers with screens, and put draft protectors under the doors. Thankfully, we did not see a second bat. Kenny was fabulous!!!

He took the time to come out to the house to answer all our questions and give us a quote which was very reasonable. We booked a time for him to come back (which was in a couple of days). He caulked the entire house and installed the bat tubes. As well, he put chicken wire in between brick spaces. He checked the house thoroughly for any openings. After a couple of weeks, he returned to take the bat tubes away and seal up the area. I would highly recommend Bats Canada!!!

Donna 10/10

Alliston Bat Removal

Kenny, it was very refreshing to hire a company that “walks the talk”! Your partner and yourself were amazing! You worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk with barely a half hour for lunch! This kind of work ethic is hard to find, and then still had enough drive to come back a second day ( and climb the 40′ ladder many times again) to finish the project.

I was very impressed that you repaired and replaced some problem areas that you encountered and did not adjust my quote. Extremely knowledgeable, very professional and a pleasure to deal with! Worth every dollar. A five year guarantee to boot! Thank you. Thank you! I’d highly recommend your company to anyone with a bat problem.


Mary & Laurence 10/10

Alliston Bat Removal

We unfortunately had bats enter our basement area and then during the early morning hours made their way to the upper level. I called Bats Canada and I can’t say enough about how great Kenny was on the phone assuring me they would be by within a week. This was a Friday and by Wed. noon the two arrived. Kenny explained fully about how bats live and they went to work bat proofing the house.

I had mentioned that over the past few years we also had a rodent problem and although it was not part of their normal procedure, Kenny went completely around our home with a foam spray under the bottom siding which should prevent the rodents from entering. These guys are fantastic and for the past two nights we have slept convinced that no more bats will be flying around our heads coming on to dawn. Kenny assured us that he will be back in Oct. to remove the vents and seal up this area. Thanks again, we sure appreciate your immediate attention.

Private User 10/10

Alliston Bat Removal

Kenny Saved Us!!

I have had a bat problem for quite a few years. They came out at night flying around our bedroom while we were sleeping, evening hours while watching TV., droppings in the basement etc. It made living in our home very difficult. I was nervous all the time, couldn’t relax when the evening came, and was afraid to go to bed! It became so distressing that we considered selling the house and moving. We spent thousands of dollars trying to fix the problem, hiring many bat control individuals and companies, spray foaming the attic, fixing the roof etc and nothing worked until Kenny came.

He spent 2 full days examining and bat proofing what seemed to be every square inch of the house! He worked hard and successfully! It has been a year now, and there have bee NO bats! NO evidence of bats either! No droppings, no scratching sounds in the walls, nothing! I am so incredibly relieved and grateful! I feel like Kenny has given me my “home” back. Bats used to be on my mind ALL the time and now I hardly think or worry about them anymore. Thank you Kenny for what you have done for us!


Bat Droppings

Bat Droppings can be found in the attic or around the house where bats either tend to roost or enter the house. If you see bat droppings in your attic then you definitely have a bat problem and your require bat removal. If you find them around your property then it is not exactly certain if they are using your building or just roosting there. For more information please click on the link below. 

Bat Entry Holes

This is the most obvious way to see that you have a bat problem. If you can see bats leaving your home at dusk, that means you have a bat infestation. Bats will typically leave the home at dusk to feed and stay in your home during the course of the day. Bat entry holes have usually brown staining around them and should be identified during the removal process as to not trap any bats inside the house.

had a bat during the winter

If you had a bat show up in your home then you definitely have a bat problem. Not all bats go to caves. Bats hibernate during the winter in your home and a few times in their hibernation they tend to wake. Bats that hibernate in homes are the Big Brown Bats. Bat removal cannot be done during the winter months. For more information please click on the link below. 

What to check before hiring a bat removal company.

1. Reviews

Reviews are an amazing tool at your disposal that you can use to weed out contractors that do their job and those you will just take your money. When you look through reviews and especially local wildlife companies. Try to look for reviews associated with bats and not raccoons or squirrels. The amount of reviews and their quality will be a good indicator if they have enough experience dealing with bats and if they are good at it.

2. How long these companies have been around.

There are wildlife companies who offer 5 year warranty when they are in business for only 2-3 years. Also there are examples of other well established wildlife companies that they give long warranties but they re-brand themselves every few years making the warranties they give invalid.

3. Warranties

You should ask exactly what their warranty covers. Most companies warranty the work that they do and not whether you will still have bats or not. This is a huge difference as if you end up still having bats and you will have to pay more money for more work to be done.

Some insurance companies may cover bat removal, since they are not rodents. Most homeowners policies will not cover any rodent damage or removal, but since bats are not rodents and contacting your agent prior to an exclusion is suggested. In most cases, we have found many insurance companies will not cover the bat removal cost, but will cover the bat dropping removal and clean-up program.

Bat Removal Alliston Area Reviews

Private User 10/10

Bat Removal

Kenny Saved Us!!

I have had a bat problem for quite a few years. They came out at night flying around our bedroom while we were sleeping, evening hours while watching TV., droppings in the basement etc. It made living in our home very difficult. I was nervous all the time, couldn’t relax when the evening came, and was afraid to go to bed! It became so distressing that we considered selling the house and moving. We spent thousands of dollars trying to fix the problem, hiring many bat control individuals and companies, spray foaming the attic, fixing the roof etc and nothing worked until Kenny came.

He spent 2 full days examining and bat proofing what seemed to be every square inch of the house! He worked hard and successfully! It has been a year now, and there have bee NO bats! NO evidence of bats either! No droppings, no scratching sounds in the walls, nothing! I am so incredibly relieved and grateful! I feel like Kenny has given me my “home” back. Bats used to be on my mind ALL the time and now I hardly think or worry about them anymore. Thank you Kenny for what you have done for us!

Paul 10/10

Bat Removal

If you have bats do not waste your time with wildlife services. Call a professional that specializes in bats. Kenny at Bats Canada is most certainly professional. He came when he said he would, spent two days on the job (I have a large house), explained what he was doing and why and charged a reasonable fee for the work done. You may get a less expensive quote from a wildlife service but with Kenny you will actually get rid of your bats. I highly recommend this company; in fact I just told my next door neighbor who encountered a bat last night to call Kenny.

Derek 10/10

Bat Removal

We had a unknown bat problem that came with the purchase of our Century Dream Home. My Wife and I had were pretty devastated that our beautiful house and biggest investment was full of bats making a mess of everything. We could not move in until our Attics and walls were bat free..I wanted to find the right person to take care of this problem once and for all. I found Kenny of Bats Canada and I couldn’t be more impressed.

Being a successful General Contractor myself as a profession , I could tell by the first phone conversation with Kenny that he was a specialist in his field. Along with having a great deal of knowledge around home construction , I knew this was the guy I wanted to do the work on my home.

Kenny approached everything from start to finish like a professional. His work is neat, tidy, and shows pride. A bat problem solved, is not cheap by any means , so you want the best and to only pay once to have it dealt with. With all the flashing, sealing and caulking he does to your home, not only is it bat proof, it also makes your home more energy efficient, he gets rid of a lot of drafts and heat loss , which is a pretty good bonus. Kenny is the person to trust for Bats, I would recommend him to anyone..

Mary & Laurence 10/10

Bat Removal

We unfortunately had bats enter our basement area and then during the early morning hours made their way to the upper level. I called Bats Canada and I can’t say enough about how great Kenny was on the phone assuring me they would be by within a week. This was a Friday and by Wed. noon the two arrived. Kenny explained fully about how bats live and they went to work bat proofing the house.

I had mentioned that over the past few years we also had a rodent problem and although it was not part of their normal procedure, Kenny went completely around our home with a foam spray under the bottom siding which should prevent the rodents from entering. These guys are fantastic and for the past two nights we have slept convinced that no more bats will be flying around our heads coming on to dawn. Kenny assured us that he will be back in Oct. to remove the vents and seal up this area. Thanks again, we sure appreciate your immediate attention.